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Elle Sten

Costco Pork Belly Strips for Ramen

Crispy on the outside, so juicy and flavorful in between. The strips of pork belly are a much more manageable way to make pork for ramen. I do love a slow-braised chashu full pork belly, yet these are just as delicious for adding to a heaping bowl of ramen.

The night before making these, I laid them out in a 9X13 baking dish, fat side down. I sprinkled with sugar, salt, and pepper, and chilled overnight.

I then pulled out the pan an hour before cooking to bring the dish down to room temperature, and preheated the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, I used some reserved marinade from ramen eggs I had prepared. For a package of pork belly strips, combine in a medium mixing bowl, combine 1/2 cup of soy sauce, 1/4 mirin, 1/4 sake, and 1/4 cup sugar. Pour over pork belly. Sprinkle 2 TBSP of chopped green onions over, sprinkle a few crushed cloves of garlic over, and mince 3 1-inch pieces of peeled ginger for sprinkling across top. Place uncovered marinated and aromatics-topped pork uncovered in the oven, and bake for 2 hours.

The smell of this delicious porky goodness is unparalleled. I thought my long-boiling broth was the best smelling ingredient, until this spicy, pungent, and porky delicious slow-baked deliciousness.

After two hours, turn heat up to 450 and bake for an additional 20 minutes. Pull out to rest.

Ideally, chill before slicing to get nice thin strips. If serving immediately, like I did in the picture, it is still delicious and crispy yet you will have thicker pieces.



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