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  • Elle Sten

Trostland Oktoberfest with Devrim

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

Creating the Oktoberfest inspired recipes from The Official Destiny Cookbook and celebrating Oktobersfest in the traditional Golden Age fashion.

One particularly warm late September afternoon, Devrim came across an exciting find in the church. He swears despite having combed through it all, this crystal bottle full of some sort of fermented liquid reminiscent of brambleberry just appeared. A nip or two later, he packed it and continued exploring through near a clearing and the remainder of the formerly lush Black Forest before heading back to his outpost.

Up against a tree, and otherwise camouflaged had it not been for a glimmer of light reflected by a shiny gold box, he would've passed right by. A curious sight indeed.

Upon closer inspection, the light-catching gold box contained matches, a strainer, and best of all some loose-leaf tea. His curiosity was had but now so was his attention. Along with the tea was a formerly bright-copper kettle that had seen better days and showed natural signs of oxidation. He began to wonder if this was a golden age relic as copper was one of the most abundant resources and preferred aesthetic of the golden-agenial. The final find confirmed and dated everything-- a leather-bound journal style book on impossibly pristinely-preserved parchment on which various poems, musings, and recipes were scrawled. He read through, minimally interested in the writings but intrigued by the recipes. His mouth began to water as he read authentic German food, typically enjoyed this time of year at the Golden-Age celebration known as Oktoberfest. Seldom, very serldom, do any of his finds pique his interest this much. This time however, his morbid curiosity got the better of him and he simply had to find the owner of this book. Time travel was warranted in this case, and so Devrim arrived in the exact location on the exact day, month, and time as his finds.

Fresh baked pretzels (served with stone ground mustard, a beer cheese sauce, amber ale and, Weizen beer) Braised cabbage and apples, and traditional German Potato Salad. Served alongside amber ale.

The process of slicing and chopping ingredients for the cabbage and potato salad, pounding the porkchops perfectly flat for Schnitzel, and the twisting and alkalizing of the pretzels.

Finally, the meal was finished. The table, a long, bench-like table set against a barrel with garden lights next to the forest that would be a clearing post-collapse.

The pretzel tower was Devrim's favorite.

Devrim took his place at the table, where he was joined by the fraulein.


A cocktail that consisted of tea (he knew already that he'd love it), a berry liqeur, Jaegermeister, currant jam, and garnished with brambleberries.

The pastry was a traditional Bavarian (from the Austrian) Apple struedel served with a custard-like vanilla bean Viennese sauce.

Not a too-sweet pastry, the vinegar softened dough, plain breadcrumbs, and rum soaked raisins give this succulent German treat such an interesting texture and depth of flavor. The sweet vanilla bean sauce is the perfect accompaniment. Though tricky, as the dough must be rolled paper thin and it easily can crack, the work pays off.

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