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Elle Sten

Fall Favorites from Trader Joe's

Fall is here, hear the yell.

I hold off on fall as long as I possibly can, but once Trader Joe's declares autumn, it's hard to resist.

Speaking of resisting, not buying every single delicious sweet and savory treat offered at TJ's this time of year is no easy feat. I was good though. I got my staples and a few fall indulgences. Some classic, some new. What are your favorite finds? Let me know!

Despite the line to get in to align with state social-distance guidelines, Fall at Trader Joe's is a magical time. Every aisle, endcap, and display has pumpkin fun. How I managed to guard my cart from going overboard, I have no idea.

1. My favorite find of the day? The new La Colombe Pumpkin Spice Nitro Cold Brew

This is the first year I haven't gone to Starbucks for a Pumpkin spice latte. I thought about stopping today on my way to fall shopping, but decided to save the calories and time by finding a refrigerated coffee at Trader Joe's, and boy am I glad I held out! This is the richest, creamiest, and all around perfect canned nitro coldbrew. And pumpkin spice to boot! I was in disbelief that something could only clock in at 100 calories and taste so yummy. I wish I bought more, but I'll be back!

2. Spiced Cider

It's a must, and really Trader Joe's has the best price on the stuff. If it's not murky like true cider, it's not worth it. I've had a hankering for it since visiting our local barn but being unable to find the smallest size. It's a fridge staple this time of year for sipping or recipe additions.

3. Fall leaf tortilla chips

Whimsical and fun! Look at these shapes and colors. I was so close to buying the pumpkin salsa but refrained since I'm iffy on sweet salsas. These are so cute however and the perfect party addition alongside some festive dip.

4. Pumpkin Bread and muffin mix

I pick up a box of this every year. Drawn to the "just add eggs, oil, and water" initially, the flavor and MOISTNESS is what draws me back each year. Simple and classic.

5. Autumn Maple Coffee

I was mildly stoked to find this as I wanted an autumnal coffee to sip that didn't involve pumpkin or apples. I have enough of those flavors that my daily drink doesn't need to be. Though I'm more of a dark roast gal, the light roast balances the maple in this. I hope it finds its way into your cart too!

Yes, short and sweet. This was my initial trip, but I know I'll be back again soon this season!

Be well,


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