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Elle Sten

Watermelon Matcha Drink

Updated: Sep 12, 2020


  • 2 cups watermelon juice (I scoop out half a personal watermelon, and muddle through a strainer directly into my glass)

  • Handful of ice

  • 1 TBSP matcha powder

  • Optional: Sweetener, lime wheel, mint leaf to garnish.

Prepare watermelon juice or use premade juice. Add ice to top for matcha powder to rest on, allow to slowly incorporate into drink or stir. Add sweetener and garnish if desired.

This is my most refreshing matcha creation to date. I find the watermelon juice to be sweet enough on its own, however the matcha bitterness may need to be cut as it mixes with sweetener based on preference. The color as it mixes is not very appealing, but still delicious! Perfect end of Summer treat.

This week began in the awkward transitional phase between seasons. Fall is everywhere except the weather, this is our hottest and driest time of year. Everyone is stunned when I tell them we have very mild summers with hot Septemnbers/ Octobers. Thankfully the Santa Ana winds have not picked up yet, but the fires are rampant despite the winds. The heat was record breaking this past weekend and we felt every degree of it. The fires continue to rage giving no respite to the fighters. The strange orange glow during the day makes it feel like a Fall filter has been placed, yet it is an ominous reminder of what is really going on.

The baby is also in the awkward transition to one nap. Bed time has become later, for both of us, but some much needed sleep in time comes with it. Getting up after 7 is SO much easier than in the 6 O'clock hour. He enjoys being read to and snuggling and this is one of my favorite phases. I am enjoying every minute of our time together, yet baby fever is coming creeping back on. One last sip of my watermelon matcha takes me back to the moment and just simply enjoying a too-hot afternoon with the peace and quiet that comes during my one baby's nap.

With the added garnish, as the matcha mixes you can see the atrocious color it becomes.

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